4 – Revelation Faith

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God’s intention for His Church is for us to walk and operate in the same power, in the same anointing and in the same manifestation of Faith as Jesus did. In Dr. Cerullo’s ground breaking, classic School of Ministry course, “Revelation Faith” – we will discover how to let every struggle to produce faith cease.

During this lfe changing Morris Cerullo School of Ministry “Revelation Faith” Course you will learn:

  • This School of Ministry will cause your struggles for faith to cease!
  • There’s a great difference between believing and having faith.
  • “Hope does not produce miracles…Faith produces miracles”
  • The prerequisite for the impossible is the absence of doubt.
  • Faith is substance. It’s not wishful thinking. It is not hoping. It’s not a mental belief. But it is substance.
  • “There is no trial. There is no circumstance. There is no temptation, that the devil can bring into my life that can defeat me!”
  • Faith that is based on theology can fail. Only faith that is based on the Word of God will never fail!
  • God wants you to have a faith that can not be shaken!
  • There are two things we must believe: That God is AND that He is a REWARDER OF THOSE THAT DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM!

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