PROOF PRODUCERS: “What Must We Do That We Might Work the Works of God?” is Dr. Cerullo’s signature message from over seven decades of worldwide ministry that has empowered and equipped over 5 million leaders like you to rise to a new level of empowerment in their life, their ministry, and their family.
In this life-changing course, you will discover:
- How God can use your life in a greater way…
- Why God is not depending on anything we possess but what He can make of us!
- What must we do that we might work the works of God?
- Who is a minister?
- The secret of going past the point of blessing into an experience of POWER…
- God is depending on what He can make of you…
- What does it mean to preach the gospel?
- All truth is parallel
- We need what the early church had
- The secret of the early church
- The trap of comparison
- We will never, ever reach the world from behind the pulpit!
- The future success of the work of God, throughout the length and breadth of the world, will lie in the hands of those that find the answer to the big question. God, what shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
- We’re in a race against time!
- Man has nothing, in himself, but that he receives it from above.
- Jesus was not looking at what the disciples were or how much they had failed, but He was looking at what He could make of them.
- Great preaching alone cannot reach the world.
- God is not depending upon who we are or what we possess, God is depending upon what He can make of us!
- God is not looking for ways to short circuit your destiny God is looking for ways to fulfill your destiny!
- You can’t give what you don’t have!
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