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7 – Discover Your Ministry

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The two greatest days in your life are the day you were born and the day you discovered WHY you were born! During this powerful Discover Your Ministry School of Ministry Morris Cerullo will bring you into an experience to rediscover your ministry and to activate the unique gifts that God has placed inside of you!

During this life-changing Morris Cerullo School of Ministry “Discover Your Ministry” Course, you will learn:

  • God is ushering you into a NEW ERA of evangelism!
  • You are going to manifest the ministry of Jesus!
  • One of the greatest vacuums that’s in the Church today is that Christians really do not understand what ministry really is!
  • Power is the result of RELATIONSHIP
  • The world is waiting for you!
  • God hasn’t changed His mind about His plan for your life!
  • Most of the ministry of the early church was not inside buildings!
  • Comparison will destroy your ministry!
  • God has not called you to be an echo, God has called you to be a voice!
  • God didn’t create you to be like anybody else!
  • The voice that pushes you away from your dream IS NOT the voice of God!
  • “In as much as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me” – Jesus
  • The secret of the Early Church was people didn’t make converts. They made disciples.
  • “It’s time for you to multiply!”
  • Now is your time to act to meet the needs of those around you!
  • A minister is first and foremost a servant!
  • The windows of heaven are opening over your destiny stronger than ever before!
  • God never intended for ministry to revolve around the pulpit!
  • God sees something greater IN you and God sees something greater FOR you than you see yourself!
  • Maybe the early church had something that we need today!
  • In order to get a breakthrough, we need to redefine what a minister really is!