During this life changing Morris Cerullo School of Ministry “Manifested Sons of God” Course you will learn:
- The God that you serve is a God of plan, a God of purpose. You are a part of God’s end-time plan, and God has not planned any defeats for you.
- Your position of strength is not in what you think but in what you KNOW!
- Spiritual timing is knowing what God is going to do, when God is going to do it, and what God is going to do.
- The key to spiritual breakthrough is timing!
- Your job is not to prove anything. Your job is to live with a life being manifested in you that will reveal the glory of God, the image of His Son.
- God planned for you, on this earth to be the express image of God!
- From the beginning of time, God’s purpose was to have children.
- You and I are the children of God!
- It’s not necessary for you to defend who you are. You’re a son of the living God! Act like it! Turn your back on every unbelief and just keep getting the job done, just keep healing the sick just keep delivering the oppressed, just keep saving the lost, and let the work speak for itself!
- You’ll never hear me get up in the pulpit and waste one second of God’s time criticizing any of my so-called enemies. Let them alone. God will deal with them. I don’t have time.
- Stop looking back.
- God Has Destined You for Greatness
- God planned for you to be brought to the same outward expression of Jesus.
- The Seed of God Inside of You Can Never Fail.
- There’s nobody more important to God than you!
- We’re being conformed into His image.
Course Content
Learning Packages